US Bond Syndicate
The Bond Syndicate team manages the execution of new issues in the public and private bond markets. It serves as the interface between Debt Capital Markets (origination) and the Sales & Trading teams (distribution), gathering market information to keep our clients updated on market trends, relative value across bond markets and new issue pricing. Bond Syndicate also facilitates MTN transactions driven by investor reverse inquiry (incoming potential demand from investors).
Bond Syndicate is typically focused on distributing risk assets across: Global Corporates and Financial Institutions, Securitized Products Group (securitization), High Yield and MTNs (Private Placements).
In North America, the US Bond Syndicate team is focused on three main areas, often in conjunction with the Bond Syndicate desk in London:
- Domestic US Dollar Issuance: US-domiciled issuers raising debt in the US Dollar market
- Yankees: Non US issuers (principally from the UK and Europe) issuing US Dollar-denominated debt
- Reverse Yankees: US-domiciled issuers raising funds outside of the US Dollar Market (principally in EUR and GBP)
Contact our US Bond Syndicate Specialist
Brian Kwiatkowski, Senior Vice President, US Bond Syndicate